New Privacy Policy

In light of recent, EU wide, personal data legislation (GDPR – I’m sure you’ve seen these four letters quite a lot in recent weeks, standing as they do for General Data Protection Regulation), we at Icon & Co (Wales) Ltd have posted an updated privacy policy that aims to lay out how seriously we take the issue of customer privacy.

To summarise what we feel are the key elements of this policy:

  • All transactions made by customers on our website are administered remotely by Barclaycard ePDQ Payment Gateway which keeps to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).  Icon & Co do not see, have no access to, & do not store any sensitive financial data belonging to our customers (card numbers, etc.)
  • We do not share any personal information – names, addresses, etc – with any third party unless necessary in the processing of the order, specifically shipping companies who will be tasked with delivering the items to you the customer.
  • Icon & Co do not send out marketing communications to any person, & will only make contact with customers for the purpose of fulfilling orders or dealing with any related issue such as returns etc.

Our full privacy policy can be found by following the permanent link at the top of the page, or by clicking here.  Enjoy!

& if you have any questions you can always contact us at any time.

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